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The validate function of the ObjectManager provider checks if the values given by the User are matching the object fields requirements.

This function is used at different times :

  • with "CREATE" & "UPDATE" Methods
  • with Controller Calls

Calling the scripts

eQual handles both Models and Controllers as entities. As such, their fields (repectively provided by getColumns() andparams`) are validated by following a same logic.

Type and Usage

The validation of a given value is made by comparing it to the expected format for the field the value relates to. Comparisions are made based on constraints. Constraints are either explicit (@see getConstraints()) or implicit, by using a specific Type or Usage in the field definition.

  • Constraints apply based on a Usage.
  • There is always a Usage assigned to a field.
  • If it is not in the definition, it is created by default based on the Type.
  • Therefore, Usage is prioritized for field validation (the Type and the Usage must be compatible).

Validate function

Required property

The following section will look into the function's parts.

The first property checked by the function is the required property.

foreach($schema as $field => $def) {
    // required fields must be provided and cannot be left/set to null
    if( isset($def['required']) && $def['required'] && (!isset($values[$field]) 
    || is_null($values[$field])) ) {
        $error_code = EQ_ERROR_INVALID_PARAM;
        $res[$field]['missing_mandatory'] = 'Missing mandatory value.'; 
        trigger_error("EQ_DEBUG_ORM::mandatory field {$field} is missing for 
        instance of {$class}", EQ_REPORT_WARNING);

The function checks if the field is required (can't be null) and if it is, it must have a value, otherwise, an error is sent to the User.

Type & Usage properties


The function checks if the type property matches the value, this property gives information about the way the field is stored in the DB.


The usage property is complementary to the type property and allows to refine the way the field should be handled by the ORM and the DBBMS, and how it should be rendered in the UI.

Example :

'params'        =>  [
        'code' => [
            'description'   => 'Code for athenticating user.',
            'type'          => 'string',
            'usage'         => 'email',
            'required'      => true

In the above example, the type is a string, and the usage tells us that the string is expected to be an email.

The validate function will then call the getConstraintFromUsage() method from DataValidator.class.php:

case 'email':
        return [
            'kind'  => 'function',
            'rule'  => function($a, $o) {return (bool) (preg_match('/^([_a-z0-9-]+)
            (\.[_a-z0-9+-]+)*@([a-z0-9-]+)(\.[a-z0-9-]+)*(\.[a-z]{2,13})$/', $a));}

A rule is then used to valide the usage property value.

Here, it checks if the field is a real email through regex and returns true or false. If it returns false, it will send an error to the User.


Returns a map of constraint items associating fields with validation functions.

Example of validation function :

case 'string':
        $constraints[$field]['size_overflow'] = [
            'message'     => 'String length must be maximum 255 chars.',
            'function'    => function($val, $obj) {return (strlen($val) <= 255);}


Provides the list of unique rules (array of combinations of fields).

If the rules aren't followed, an error is sent.

 trigger_error("EQ_DEBUG_ORM::field {$field} violates unique constraint with 
 object {$oid}", EQ_REPORT_WARNING);