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Error hanling & error formats

Exception and Throwable

eQual natively handles exceptions (or Throwable objects) as errors and generates the appropriate HTTP response accordingly.

While it remains possible to use try/catch blocks, any "throwable" that is not explicitly handled by a try/catch block, will by handled by eQual.

Internally, every raised error/exception is either handled in contollers, or catched by the run() method and is eventually turned into a HTTP error code.

In order to generate an error Response, any controller may throw an Exception.

    throw new Exception('error_msg_id', EQ_ERROR_{CODE});

The error codes are defined inside the eq.lib.php file.


CONSTANT                                  VALUE HTTP DESCRIPTION
EQ_ERROR_UNKNOWN -1 500 Something went wrong (that requires to check the logs). Equivalent to HTTP 'Internal Server Error'.
EQ_ERROR_MISSING_PARAM -2 400 One or more mandatory parameters are missing. Equivalent to HTTP 'Bad Request'.
EQ_ERROR_INVALID_PARAM -4 400 One or more parameters have invalid or incompatible value. Equivalent to HTTP 'Bad Request'.
EQ_ERROR_SQL -8 456 There was an error while building SQL query or processing it (check that object class matches DB schema). Equivalent to HTTP 'Unrecoverable Error'.
EQ_ERROR_UNKNOWN_OBJECT -16 404 The request Unknown resource (class, object, view, ...). Equivalent to HTTP 'Not Found'.
EQ_ERROR_NOT_ALLOWED -32 403 Action violates some rule (including UPLOAD_MAX_FILE_SIZE for binary fields) or user don't have required permissions. Equivalent to HTTP 'Forbidden'.
EQ_ERROR_LOCKED_OBJECT -64 423 Object cannot be updated because it is locked by another user. Equivalent to HTTP 'Locked'.
EQ_ERROR_CONFLICT_OBJECT -128 409 Version conflict (object has been changed in between). Equivalent to HTTP 'Conflict'.
EQ_ERROR_INVALID_USER -256 401 Authentication failure (invalid user or token). Equivalent to HTTP 'Unauthorized'.
EQ_ERROR_UNKNOWN_SERVICE -512 503 Server error : missing service. Equivalent to HTTP 'Service Unavailable'.
EQ_ERROR_INVALID_CONFIG -1024 500 Server error : faulty configuration. Equivalent to HTTP 'Internal Server Error'.

Some checks are automatically performed based on context and configuration. If a check fails, an HTTP response is returned with an error status and a body holding an error descriptor.

Authz errors

'NOT_ALLOWED' error is raised when a user is not authentified or has not enough rights to perform the requested operation.

All errors relating to authentication error, are returned with a HTTP 403 status.

For a controller announced with protected access;

    'access' => [
        'visibility'        => 'proteced',

a call made by a non-authenticated user will result in: { "errors": { "NOT_ALLOWED": "protected_operation" } }

For a controller announced with private access;

    'access' => [
        'visibility'        => 'private',

a call from a non CLI context will result in: { "errors": { "NOT_ALLOWED": "private_operation" } }

Route & Controller

HTTP 404 errors

Unknown route:

    "errors": {
        "UNKNOWN_OBJECT": "Unknown route 'GET':'\/test'"

Unknown Controller:

    "errors": {
        "UNKNOWN_OBJECT": "Unknown DATA_PROVIDER (get) contractika_bonusreport_print-report1 (bonusreport\/print-report1.php)"

HTTP 400 erros

Type, usage and custom constraints validation

Controller invoked with parameters assigned with invalid values:

    "errors": {
        "INVALID_PARAM": {
            "id": {
                "broken_constraint": "Invalid parameter"
            "date": {
                "broken_constraint": "Invalid parameter"
            "legal_name": {
                "invalid_chars": "Legal name must contain only naming glyphs.",
                "too_short": "Legal name must be minimum 2 chars long."

Required Constraint

Controller invoked with missing parameter:

    "errors": {
        "MISSING_PARAM": "id"


When an error is raised inside a controller, if the eQual::announce() method is called in the invoked controller, in addition with the error property an additional announcement property is append to the response to describe the expected format of the requests made to the controller.

    "announcement": {
        "description": "Generates a PDF version of a Bonus Report.",
        "params": {
            "id": {
                "description": "Identifier of the report to print.",
                "type": "integer",
                "required": true

canupdate & workflow Constraints

    "errors": {
        "NOT_ALLOWED": {
            "invalid_transition": "No transition 'validate' from status 'created' defined in core\\User workflow."

NOT_ALLOWED responses can have nested descriptors, for each involved field, the same way INVALID_PARAM errors do:

    "errors": {
        "NOT_ALLOWED": {
            "legal_name": {
                "missing": "Legal name cannot be empty for legal person."


Broken policy:

    "errors": {
        "NOT_ALLOWED": {
            "broken_policy": "Collection does not comply with Policy releasable"