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Generic cheat-sheet

This section presents common questions along with some relevant examples.

eQual Apps





CLI commands

Should be located at the root of eQual (folder containing file run.php)

Grant DB rights

Available rights:

  • create
  • read
  • update
  • delete
  • manage

You can grant one right for one entity at a time:

./ --do=group_grant --group=default --right=update --entity="core\User"

Test package consistency

This controller runs some consistency checks and works with any package:

PATH core\actions\test\package-consistency.php
URL ?do=test_package-consistency&package=core
CLI $ ./ --do=test_package-consistency --package=core --level=warn
DESCRIPTION Consistency checks between DB and class as well as syntax validation for classes (PHP), views and translation files (JSON).

The level property has 3 options :

  • 'error' ( ex: missing property 'entity' in file: "packages\/lodging\/views\/sale\booking\InvoiceLine.form.default.json")
  • 'warn' ( ex: WARN - I18 - Unknown field 'object_class' referenced in file "packages\/core\/i18n\/en\/alert\MessageModel.json"
  • * (error & warn).

Initiate eQual core in DB

PATH core\actions\init\package.php
URL ?do=init_package&package=core
CLI $ ./ --do=init_package --package=core
DESCRIPTION Initialise database for given package. If no package is given, initialize core package.

(this step is mandatory for every new installation)

Initiate your package in DB

PATH core\actions\init\package.php
URL ?do=init_package&package=myPackage
CLI $ ./ --do=init_package --package=myPackage
DESCRIPTION Initialise database for given package. If no package is given, initialize core package.

Initiate your package with initial data in DB

PATH core\actions\init\package.php
URL ?do=init_package&package=myPackage&import=true
CLI $ ./ --do=init_package --package=myPackage --import=true
DESCRIPTION Initialise database for given package. If no package is given, initialize core package.

Seed data for your package

PATH core\actions\init\seed.php
URL ?do=init_seed&package=myPackage
CLI $ ./ --do=init_package --package=myPackage
DESCRIPTION Seed objects for package using json configuration files in "{package}/init/seed/".

Run package test unit

PATH core\actions\test\package.php
URL ?do=test_package&package=core
CLI $ ./ --do=test_package --package=core
DESCRIPTION The controller checks the presence of test units for a given package and runs them, if any. (page :'Testing').

Invoking Controllers

Data provider

PATH /packages/mypackage/data/my-controller.php
URL ?get=mypackage_my-controller
CLI $ ./ --get=model_collect --entity="mypackage\MyClass"
PHP run('get', 'mypackage_MyClass')

Collect is the name of the controller, and model the directory to which it belongs.

Action handler

PATH /packages/mypackage/actions/subdir/my-action.php
URL ?do=mypackage_subdir_my-action
CLI $ ./ --do=model_update --entity=mypackage\MyObject --fields=[ids]=1 --fields=[name]=example
PHP run('do', 'mypackage_myobject_action', [/* parameters */])


How to create a new object?

use core\User;

// which is equivalent to

Note: When creating an object, by default, the state fields is assigned to 'instance', unless another value is given as parameter (ex. state=draft)

How to check if a given object does exist?

// count the number of items returned by the search method
if(count(search($object_class, array(array(array('id', '=', $object_id)))))) {...}

How to browse all objects of a given class?

// note: ensure the specified class does actually exist
$res = browse($object_class, search($object_class));

How to add a clause to every condition?

// example: add the (deleted = 1) clause to every condition
for($i = 0, $j = count($domain); $i < $j; ++$i)
    $domain[$i] = array_merge($domain[$i], array(array('deleted', '=', '1')));

How to obtain output (json/html) from another script ?

// There are 2 possibilities :

// either use a HTTP request
$request = new HttpRequest(FClib::get_url(true, false).
$json_data = $request->get();

// or use PHP output buffering (to prevent scope collision, remember to 
// embed such code into a function)
function get_include_contents($filename) {
    include($filename); // assuming  parameters required by the script 
    // being called are present in the current URL 
    return ob_get_clean();
$result = get_include_contents('packages/core/data/objects/list.php');

How to sort the result of the browse method (without calling search method)?

// $order is an array containing fields names on which we want the result 
// set sorted 
// $result is an array returned by a call to the browse method

foreach($order as $ofield) {
    uasort($result, function ($a, $b) use($ofield){
        if ($a[$ofield] == $b[$ofield]) return 0;
        return ($a[$ofield] < $b[$ofield]) ? -1 : 1;

How to request fields from all sub-objects at once?

$pages_values = $orm->read('icway\Page', $pages_ids, array('url_resolver_id'), 
$url_ids = array_map(function($a){return $a['url_resolver_id'];}, $pages_values);
$url_values = $orm->read('core\UrlResolver', $url_ids, ['human_readable_url']);