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eQual allows to define globally some values that are used across the different services as configuration properties.

These properties are defined through config files.

eQual supports cascading configuration : each package can have a config file of its own that defines specific properties or overwrites existing properties.

Config files are optional, and the default values for mandatory properties are listed in the configuration schema (see below).


A schema.json file is located under the ./config/ folder. That file holds a comprehensive description of the role and usage of each available constant. This file is not meant to be modified. Instead, constants that must be modified according to the current environment can be set in a config.json file.


Customization can be achieved by using a custom config.json file that must be placed under : ./config/ along with the schema.json.

Properties are exported as (global) constants. Services, controllers and classes are responsible of announcing which constants they expect (through a getConstants() method). If one of the required constant is missing, an exception is raised.

Settings values defined in config files must always be called by using the constant() function. This is because, since they're not defined at the moment the parsing is done, using literal notation would result in warnings and wrong values assignments.

Some constants might be required by mandatory services. Those must therefore be defined immediately when the config file is read. Those properties are marked as 'instant'. When no value is given in config.json for such property, if a 'default' or an 'environment' property is set in the schema.json, the constant is declared using the retrieved value, if not, the property is ignored and no constant is defined, unless the property is also marked as 'required' in which case an Exception is raised.

The list below shows the details for supported constants and their roles.

General properties

ROUTING_METHOD JSON Possible values are: 'ORM' and 'JSON' (router.json).
ROUTING_CONFIG_DIR EQ_BASEDIR.'/config/routing' Routing configuration directory.
FILE_STORAGE_MODE FS Binary type storage mode (Possible values: 'DB' (database) and 'FS' (filesystem)).
FILE_STORAGE_DIR EQ_BASEDIR.'/bin' Binaries storage directory.
DEFAULT_RIGHTS EQ_R_CREATE | EQ_R_READ | EQ_R_DELETE | EQ_R_WRITE If no ACL is defined (which is the case by default) for an object nor for its class, any user will be granted the permissions in this constant.
ACCESS_CONTROL_LEVEL class By default, the control is done at the class level. It means that a user will be granted the same rights for every objects of a given class.
DEFAULT_LANG en The language in which the content must be displayed by default (ISO 639-1).
GUEST_USER_LANG en The language in which the content must be displayed by default (ISO 639-1) for the Guest User.
DEFAULT_PACKAGE core Package we'll try to access if nothing is specified in the url (typically while accessing root folder).

Email properties

EMAIL_SMTP_PORT 587 Email port.
EMAIL_SMTP_ACCOUNT_DISPLAYNAME Full Name Email display name.
EMAIL_SMTP_ACCOUNT_PASSWORD password Email password.
EMAIL_SMTP_ACCOUNT_EMAIL Email address the email is sent from.
EMAIL_SMTP_ABUSE_EMAIL Email address to handle abusive emails (spams).
EMAIL_SPOOL_DIR EQ_BASEDIR.'/spool' Email spooler directory.
DB_REPLICATION MS Database replication :
* 'NO': no replication
* 'MS' ('master-slave'): 2 servers; write operations are performed on both servers, read operations are performed on the master only
* 'MM' ('multi-master'): any number of servers; write operations are performed on all servers, read operations can be performed on any server.
DB_DBMS MYSQL Selection of the Database Management System.
DB_CHARSET UTF8 Default Charset.
DB_HOST getenv('EQ_DB_HOST')?getenv('EQ_DB_HOST'):'') DB host.
DB_PORT getenv('EQ_DB_PORT')?getenv('EQ_DB_PORT'):'3306') DB port.
DB_USER getenv('EQ_DB_USER')?getenv('EQ_DB_USER'):'root') DB user.
DB_PASSWORD getenv('EQ_DB_PASS')?getenv('EQ_DB_PASS'):'test') DB password.
DB_NAME getenv('EQ_DB_NAME')?getenv('EQ_DB_NAME'):'equal') DB name.

Other properies

DEBUG_MODE EQ_DEBUG_PHP | EQ_DEBUG_ORM | EQ_DEBUG_SQL | EQ_DEBUG_APP Filter the kind of errors that are present in the console.
UPLOAD_MAX_FILE_SIZE 64*1024*1024 maximum authorized size for file upload (in octet).
LOGGING_ENABLED true Enable/Disable the logs (to keep track of object changes).
DRAFT_VALIDITY 0 Draft validity in days.
VERSIONING_ENABLED true Enable/Disable versions of object changes.
AUTH_SECRET_KEY my_secret_key Random key generated during install process.
AUTH_ACCESS_TOKEN_VALIDITY 3600*1 Validity duration of the access token, in seconds.
AUTH_REFRESH_TOKEN_VALIDITY 3600*24*90 Refresh token validity, in days.
AUTH_TOKEN_HTTPS false Limit sending of auth token to HTTPS.
APP_URL http://equal.local Root URL of the application.
APP_NAME eQual Custom name of the Application.
APP_LOGO_URL /_assets/img/logo.svg Absolute URL of the logo to be used for the App (under the public folder).
ORG_NAME eQual framework Name or brand of the organization that owns the instance.
ORG_URL Official website of the organization.

About integer values

Properties holding an integer value can be given as a string that supports the following shorthand notations (case-sensitive):

  • memory notation (converted in bytes)

    • KB (for KiloBytes)
    • MB (for MegaBytes)
    • GB (for GigaBytes)
  • time notations (converted in seconds)

    • s for seconds (default)
    • m for minutes (=60s)
    • h for hours (=60m)
    • d for days (=24h)
    • w for weeks (=7d)
    • M for months (=4w)
    • Y for years (=12m)

UI configuration

In order to bootstrap communication with the back-end, the front-end needs some information. To that end, a configuration file is expected under ./public/_assets/env/config.json to hold a series of public details that are needed by the UI.

That file can be generated manually or using the init controller.

The properties, roles and default values are describes in the list below.

name default value origin
production true ENV_MODE
parent_domain equal.local parse_url(ROOT_APP_URL, PHP_URL_HOST)
backend_url http://equal.local ROOT_APP_URL
rest_api_url http://equal.local/ ROOT_APP_URL.'/'
locale en L10N_LOCALE
version 1.0 (2022) EQ_VERSION
company_name eQual framework ORG_NAME
company_url ORG_URL
app_name eQual APP_NAME
app_logo_url /_assets/img/logo.svg APP_LOGO_URL
app_settings_root_package core (deprecated?)
license AGPL v3.0 (manual - must be compliant)
license_url (manual - must be compliant)