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Views common stucture

Structure summary

name string Name of the view that will be displayed in the final app
description string description of the view and it's purpose
domain array>domain domain to filter which item of the input collection will be displayed
filters Filter associative array of couple (name,clauses
controller string>orm/entity controller used to fetch the object from the db. needs to be a data-controller that extends of core_model_collect (by default is core_model_collect)
header Header Override the default header of the view
actions list of Actions Custom action that can be applied on the context of the view
routes list of Routes Contextual link to other part of the application.
access Access Define the ability to see the view for an user group or a user

Some attributes are meant to specific view types. The lists below recap the attributes specific to each view type.


order string (optional) asc or desc
sort string (optional) field name(s) used to sort the view by default
limit integer>number/natural (optional) number of item fetched
export Export

**Items specifics : **

type string (mandatory) either 'entry' or 'parent'. In case an item is a 'parent', it also have a 'children' property.


**Items specifics : **

width string Width of the item (as percent value).

Attributes descriptors

Binary operators

+ Sum of a and b. ['+', a, b]
- Difference between a and b. ['-', a, b]
* Product of a by b. ['*', a, b]
/ Division of a by b. ['/', a, b]
% Modulo b of a. ['%', a, b]
^ a at power b. ['^', a, b]

Unary operators

SUM ['SUM', object.field]
AVG ['AVG', object.field] (which is a shortcut for ['/', ['SUM', object.field], ['COUNT', object.field]])
COUNT ['COUNT', object.field]
MIN ['MIN', object.field]
MAX ['MAX', object.field]


The domain property allows to conditionally display the data (More Info: domain).


 "domain": ["type", "<>", "I"]


Associative map for restriction the access of the view to specific users.

groups Array of group names whose members are granted for using the view.
users Array of logins of users that are granted for using the view.

Example :

"access": {
    "groups": ["users"]


This property allows to apply a series of operations on one or more columns, for the displayed records set.

Each entry of the opearations object associates a name (ID of an operation - which will allow to group the results), with an associative array mapping field names with operation descriptors.

In turn, each descriptor accepts the following properties :

Structure Summary

operation string The operation to apply on the related field (see operation syntax below).
usage string The usage of the operation as hint for displaying the result. (see) Example : amount/money:2, numeric/integer
suffix string (optional) string to append to the result.
prefix string (optional) string to prepend to the result.

Operation Syntax

Unary operators : [ OPERATOR, {FIELD | OPERATION} ]


"operations": {
    "total": {
        "total_paid": {
            "id": "",
            "label": "Total received",
            "operation": "SUM",
            "usage": "amount/money:2"
        "total_due": {
            "operation": "SUM",
            "usage": "amount/money:2"
"operations": {
    "total": {
        "rental_unit_id": {
           "operation": "COUNT",
           "usage": "numeric/integer",
           "suffix": "p."


The optional actions property contains a list of objects defining a custom list of possible actions attached to the view.

Each action item relates to a button, displayed in the right side of the header, which, when clicked, relays a request to a given controller. Upon successful completion of the action, the view is automatically refreshed.

Distinction between actions and header.actions

Make sure not to mix up the "actions" section with the header "actions" subsection. The former lists the actions that are available for the whole view (genrally form views) while the latter can be used to allow or prevent specific actions on selected objects (generally list views).


id string Identifier of the action for translation purpose (can be set in the i18n related file).
description string The description that is displayed to the user when (s)he clicks on the related button.
label string Label assigned to the view.
controller string>orm/entity Controller to invoke when the user confirms the action. By default, the id of the current object is sent as a parameter.
visible array>domain (optional) Domain (array) of conditions to meet in order to make the action button visible. Example: "visible": ["status", "=", "quote"]
confirm boolean (optional) Boolean flag. If set to true, a confirmation dialog is displayed before relaying the request to the controller.
params array (optional) Associative array mapping fields with their values. Values can be assigned by referencing a property of the current user (e.g. user.login) or current object (for form views).
access Access Associative array (similar to the one that can be applied on the view) to limit access to the action (this is used to display or hide the action in the list, but the actual permission to invoke the related controller must be set in the controller itself).

If target controller requires one or more parameter, the view will generate a dialog asking the user for the values to be assigned to each parameter.

If no parameter is required but the confirm property is set to true, then a confirmation dialog is displayed before performing the action.

Here below is a flow diagram that recaps the interactions between the controller and the confirm property.


"actions": [
    "id": "action.option",
    "label": "Set as Option",
    "description": "Rental units will be blocked but no funding will be claimed yet.",
    "controller": "lodging_booking_option",
    "visible": ["status", "=", "quote"],
    "confirm": true,
    "params": {
        "id": ""
    "id": "action.validate",
    "label": "Confirm Booking",
    "description": "Rental units will be blocked and the invoicing plan will be set up.",
    "controller": "lodging_booking_confirm",
    "visible": ["status", "in", ["quote", "option"]]
    "id": "action.checkin",
    "label": "Check In",
    "description": "The host has arrived: the rental units will be marked as occupied.",
    "controller": "lodging_booking_checkin",
    "visible": ["status", "=", "validated"]
    "id": "action.checkout",
    "label": "Check Out",
    "description": "The host is leaving: the rental units will be marked for cleaning.",
    "controller": "lodging_booking_checkout",
    "visible": ["status", "=", "checkedin"]
    "id": "action.invoice",
    "label": "Invoice",
    "description": "The host has left and room has been reviewed: emit the invoice.",
    "controller": "lodging_booking_invoice",
    "visible": ["status", "=", "checkedout"]


The filters property allows to customize the filtering features available in the header of the view.

id string Unique ID used for translation
label string default name is no translation is set
clause array>clause Clause that will be added to the view domain to search with the filter
"filters": [
        "id": "lang.french",
        "label": "French",
        "description": "French speaking people",
        "clause": ["language", "=", "fr"]

Custom actions can have an arbitrary ID, while default actions use the common actions IDs :


Hiding a specific default action

Default actions can be hidden by using the targeted ID and setting the visible property to false.


Printing a document such as a contract can be done in the list view. Multiple fields will have to be added such as the id of the contract, the label, the icon of the printer also known as "print" is added. Also, a small description, a controller having the value "model_export-print" used to trigger the printing action, the view which corresponds to the specific view "print.default" and finally visible field should be displayed as well.

All these fields are added inside of the exports section of list view, which is an array of objects that has the below structure:

"exports": [
            "id": "export.print.contract",
            "label": "Print contract",
            "icon": "print",
            "description": "Print contract related to the booking.",
            "controller": "lodging_booking_print-contract",
            "view": "print.default",
            "visible": ["status", "=", "quote"]

The header section allows to override the default behavior of the view.

common structure

actions Actions The actions property allows to customize the actions buttons shown in the left part of the View header.
visible boolean or array>domain The visible property allows to place a condition in order to make the header visible or not.

actions (header)

Distinction between root actions property and header's actions sub section

Make sure not to mix up the "actions" section with the header "actions" subsection. The former lists the actions that are available for the whole view (generally form views) while the latter can be used to allow or prevent specific actions on selected objects (generally list views).

The actions property can be used for 3 purposes: to force action buttons visibility; to define the order of the actions for buttons having multiple actions ("split buttons"); and to override the configuration of the subsequent Views (for relational fields).

  • For forms, default actions are : ACTION.EDIT, ACTION.SAVE, ACTION.CREATE, ACTION.CANCEL
  • For lists, default actions are : ACTION.CREATE, ACTION.SELECT, ACTION.OPEN

Each action item is either a boolean or an array of items describing the order of the buttons and parameters for subsequent views.

Action descriptor

Actions descriptors used in the header has the same structure than View actions. Therefore, it is possible to force the view to use a specific controller when a standard button is clicked.

Empty arrays or items set to false mean that the action is not available for the View. If action is an array with multiple items, the related button will be displayed as a split-button (note: in that case, the order of the items is maintained).

Here is the exhaustive list of the actions ID that are supported by the views. Each ID corresponds to a button that will be present (or not, according to the config of the view) in the header of the view. header.actions allows to map these actions ID with predefined or custom action items (note that custom action ID are not accepted).

id string Id of the predefined action, define the behavior of the action
description string
domain array>domain
view string id of the view used if the action require displaying a view

Possible actions

ACTION.EDIT For forms in view mode, allows to edit the current object. EDIT
ACTION.SAVE For forms in edit mode, ACTION.SAVE is the action used for storing the changes made to the current object. SAVE_AND_CLOSE, SAVE_AND_VIEW, SAVE_AND_CONTINUE
ACTION.CREATE For list views, ACTION.CREATE is the action used for creating a new object of the current entity. CREATE, ADD
ACTION.CANCEL For forms in edit mode, allows to cancel the changes made to the current object. CANCEL_AND_CLOSE, CANCEL_AND_VIEW
ACTION.SELECT For relational fields, allows to select or add one or many objects and relay selection to parent View. SELECT

Predefined actions

SAVE_AND_CLOSE The view is saved and close. The user is brought to the previous context.
SAVE_AND_CONTINUE The view is saved and left open allowing the user to perform further changes. A snackbar is given as feedback to the user.
SAVE_AND_VIEW The view is saved and closed. The user is brought to the 'view' version (SAVE action can only occur in 'edit' mode). In most cases, the 'view' version is the parent. If not, a new (similar) context is opened in 'view' mode.
SAVE_AND_EDIT The view is saved and closed. The user is brought to a cloned context (still in 'edit' mode).
CREATE model_create
SELECT An object in the current list view has been selected (selection might consist in several selected objects).
ADD A context is requested for adding one or more object to a many2many list. model_update
CANCEL The action relating to the current view (form in edit mode : CREATE, EDIT), has been cancelled by the user.
OPEN A request for opening a form view for a given object has been received by the list.
    "header": {
        "actions": {
            "ACTION.CREATE": [
                    "view": "form.create",
                    "description": "Overload form to use for objects creation.",
                    "domain": ["parent_status", "=", "object.status"],
                    "access": {
                    "controller": "custompackage_mode_update"
            "ACTION.SELECT": false,
            "ACTION.SAVE": [ {"id": "SAVE_AND_CONTINUE"}, {"id": "SAVE_AND_CLOSE"} ],
            "ACTION.CANCEL": [ {"id": "CANCEL_AND_VIEW"}]


The visible property allows to place a condition in order to make the header visible or not.