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Before running tests, remind to check targeted package consistency:

PATH core\actions\test\package-consistency.php
URL ?do=test_package-consistency&package=myPackage
CLI $ ./ --do=test_package-consistency --package=myPackage
DESCRIPTION Consistency checks between DB and class as well as syntax validation for classes (PHP), views and translation files (JSON).

It will tell you if you have available tests. If it's not the case, see Writing the tests

Running the tests locally

Open your CLI at the root of eQual (where run.php is), then launch this :

php run.php --do=test_package --package=mypackage

It should log an overview of each test you wrote, resulting as "ok" or "ko" depending on the expected results

If it doesn't show anything it means there is an error somewhere in your code

Tip: use http://[localhost]/console.php for potential insights

Test data set

If you want to put your database in a certain state before running the tests, then you need a data set.

Refer to section Building the data set below to know how to proceed

If you already have one, you can enter this before the test command :

PATH core\actions\init\package.php
URL ?do=init_package&package=myPackage
CLI $ ./ --do=init_package --package=myPackage
DESCRIPTION Initialise database for given package. If no package is given, initialize core package.

Running the tests in a CI/CD environment

There are many ways out there you can choose from, for example you can use BitBucket Pipelines, GitLab CI, or any versioning platform with a compatible pipeline tool

Here we'll use GitHub with Travis CI

To learn how to setup a testing environment with Travis, see Advanced > CI/CD > Travis

Assuming you have a data set ready for your tests, add this in the script section of your .travis.yml file :

# initate data set
- php run.php --do=init_package --package=mypackage
# run tests
- php run.php --do=test_package --package=mypackage

Note: if the tests succeed in local but fail with Travis, try to change your Http request with localhost as host instead of or any localhost name you're using

Building the data set

At some point in your testing you're very likely to operate changes in your database, which may aswell make a few of your previous tests obsolete

To avoid this, we use a data set that we initiate everytime we want to run tests


1) In MySQL :

  • Write the data you're gonna use for your tests

  • When you're happy with it, click on your database, go to the Export tab, select Personalized and unpick the tables you don't want to use, then press Execute

2) It should give you a .sql file named after your database, go ahead and rename it data.sql

3) In your package directory (public/packages/mypackage/) :

  • Create a folder named /init
  • Move data.sql into this folder

4) Open data.sql. We're going to update it to make it compatible with eQual :

  • Remove anything that doesn't start with "INSERT INTO"
  • Manually adapt each insertion :

For example, instead of

INSERT INTO `my_table` (`field1`, `field2`)

Write it like that

INSERT INTO `my_table` (`field1`, `field2`) VALUES ('value1','value1');
INSERT INTO `my_table` (`field1`, `field2`) VALUES ('value2','value2');
INSERT INTO `my_table` (`field1`, `field2`) VALUES ('value3','value3');

Note: you can add "IGNORE" between INSERT and INTO to avoid future problems

That's it.

To see if it works, run the following CLI command to initiate your data set

php run.php --do=init_package --package=mypackage

And compare in MySQL if you get the data you expected

From now on, you can run the command above everytime you want to reinitialize your DB state

Writing the tests

The testing folder should be located at the root of each package, under the name /tests

In this folder add a file mytests.php (or whatever name you want)

Here is a minimal template for test-writing :

// \tests\mytests.php
use equal\http\HttpRequest;
use myapp\Myobject

$providers = inject(['context']);

$tests = [
    '0001' => [
        'description'   =>  '', // what the test does
        'return'        =>  [], // expected value type
        'expected'      =>  [], // expected result of 'test'
        'test'          =>  function(){
                                // testing goes here
        'assert'        => function($assertion){
                                // Checks if assertion is false
    // working example
    '0002' => [
        'description'   =>  'checking test_value',
        'return'        =>  ['string'], 
        'expected'      =>  "test",
        'test'          =>  function(){
                                $test_value = "test"
                                return $test_value;
        'assert'        => function($assertion){
                                // Checks if assertion is false
    // [...] add as many as you want!

There is 2 additional parameters (they have to fit right between 'expected' and 'test') you can use in case you need to run some specific function before and after a test :

  • 'arrange' => function(){ } (used to do something before the test)
  • 'rollback' => function(){ } (used to do something after the test)

Important : Keep in mind that 'arrange' doesn't trigger if the test fails or doesn't match with the 'expected' field

Passing values

The recommended way to pass values across methods is to structure the data to be passed via an associative array (map), and destructure it into variables upon reception:


'arrange' => function () {
    return ['a' => $a, 'b' => $b];

'act' => function ($data) {
    ['a' => $a, 'b' => $b] = $data;

Syntax details

The type of value expected in 'return' must be in array (ex: ['integer'], ['boolean'], ['array'] ... )

The 'expected' field value can be anything but null

The 'test' field is where the logic is written, it has to end with a return. This returned value will go through the built-in function test() which tells us whether it's "ok" or "ko"

Let's have a look at Tester.class.php to understand how the testing works :


public function test() {
// [...]
    $result = $test['test']();
    $status = 'ok';

    if(in_array(gettype($result), (array) $test['return'])) {               // (1)
      if(isset($test['expected'])) {                                        // (2)
        if(gettype($result) == gettype($test['expected'])) {                // (4)
          if(gettype($result) == "array") {                                 // (5)
            if(!self::array_equals($result, $test['expected'])) {           // (6)
              $success = false;
          else {
            if($result != $test['expected']) {                              // (7)
              $success = false;
        else {
          $success = false;
      else if(isset($test['assert']) && is_callable($test['assert'])) {     // (3)
        $success = $test['assert']($result);
    else {
      $success = false;
// [...]

What it does :

Store the 'test' function results in $result, and tell $status = 'ok' by default

Cascading logic :

  • (1) If $result and 'return' value are respectively inside an array (if 'return' isn't, do so automatically)
  • (2) If the 'expected' field has been set. If not, (3) Check if there is an 'assert' field available
  • (4) If the type of $result is the same as 'return'
  • (5) If $result is of type "array", (6) Call the array_equals() method to verify if $result and 'expected' are identical. If not, (7) Use a simpler logic to do the verification

'$success = false' is the equivalent of '$status = ko'