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Built-in utilities and stand-alone scripts

Some tools are included in the core package to ease management and development of packages.

Utility scripts allow to achieve tasks that are not handled by the ORM.

These act like some sort of plugins, written in PHP and located in the folder: packages/core/data and packages/core/actions.

This page lists an inventory of available scripts, grouped by category.

Calling the scripts

Calls shown in examples must be made at the root folder of eQual installation (where the run.php script is located).

Installation & Config utilities


PATH core\actions\test\db-connectivity.php
URL ?do=test_db-connectivity
CLI $ ./ --do=test_db-connectivity
DESCRIPTION Tests connectivity to the DBMS server (check if we're able to establish a TCP/IP connection).


PATH core\actions\test\db-access.php
URL ?do=test_db-access
CLI $ ./ --do=test_db-access
DESCRIPTION Tests access to the database specified in the config file. This controller uses db-connectivity before trying to access the database.


PATH core\actions\test\fs-consistency.php
URL ?do=test_fs-consistency
CLI $ ./ --do=test_fs-consistency
DESCRIPTION Checks current installation directories integrity. The controller checks if all mandatory directories are present, and if their permissions allow the apache process to read/write as required.


PATH core\actions\init\db.php
URL ?do=init_db
CLI $ ./ --do=init_db
DESCRIPTION Creates a database using the details provided in config file. This controllers calls db-connectivity and if connection can be established with the host, it requests the creation of the database, if it does not exist yet.

Package utilities


PATH core\actions\init\package.php
URL ?do=init_package&package=core
CLI $ ./ --do=init_package --package=core
DESCRIPTION Initialize database for given package. If no package is given, initialize core package. Compile the apps (apps folder) of the package and copy them in the public folder.


PATH core\actions\init\seed.php
URL ?do=init_seed&package=core
CLI $ ./ --do=init_seed --package=core
DESCRIPTION Seed objects for package using json configuration files in "{package}/init/seed/".


PATH core\actions\init\anonymize.php
URL ?do=init_anonymized&package=core
CLI $ ./ --do=init_anonymized --package=core
DESCRIPTION Anonymize objects using json configuration files in "{package}/init/anonymize/".


PATH core\actions\test\package-consistency.php
URL ?do=test_package-consistency&package=core
CLI $ ./ --do=test_package-consistency --package=core --level=warn
DESCRIPTION Performs consistency checks between DB and class as well as syntax validation for classes (PHP), views and translation files (JSON).

The level property has 3 options :

  • 'error' (ex: missing property 'entity' in file: "packages\/lodging\/views\/sale\booking\InvoiceLine.form.default.json");
  • 'warn' (ex: WARN - I18 - Unknown field 'object_class' referenced in file "packages\/core\/i18n\/en\/alert\MessageModel.json");
  • * (error & warn).


PATH core\actions\test\package.php
URL ?do=test_package&package=core
CLI $ ./ --do=test_package --package=core
DESCRIPTION This controller checks the presence of test units for a given package and runs them, if any. (page :'Testing').

Data manipulation utilities

Models meta data


PATH core\data\model\schema.php
URL ?get=model_schema&entity=core\User
CLI $ ./ --get=model_schema --entity=core\\User
DESCRIPTION Returns the schema of given class (model) in JSON.


PATH core\data\model\view.php
URL ?get=model_view&entity=core\User&view_id=list.default
CLI $ ./ --get=model_view --entity=core\\User --view_id=list.default
DESCRIPTION Returns the JSON view related to an entity (class model), given a view ID.

Manipulate data


PATH core\actions\model\create.php
URL ?do=model_create&entity=core\Group&fields[name]=Admin
CLI $ ./ --do=model_create --entity=core\\Group --fields[name]=Admin
DESCRIPTION Create a new object using given fields values.


PATH core\actions\model\generate.php
URL ?do=model_generate&entity=core\Group&fields[name]=Admin
CLI $ ./ --do=model_generate --entity=core\\Group --fields[name]=Admin
DESCRIPTION Generate a new object with random data and given values.


PATH core\actions\model\anonymize.php
URL ?do=model_anonymize&entity=core\Group&fields[name]=Group1&domain=[id,=,15]
CLI $ ./ --do=model_anonymize --entity=core\\Group --fields[name]=Group1 --domain=[id,=,15]
DESCRIPTION Anonymize an existing object with random data and given values.


PATH core\actions\model\update.php
URL ?do=model_update&entity=core\Group&id=45&fields[name]=Worker
CLI $ ./ --get=model_view --entity=core\\User --id=45 --fields[name]=Worker
DESCRIPTION Update (fully or partially) the given object.


PATH core\actions\model\delete.php
URL ?do=model_delete&entity=core\Group&id=48
CLI $ ./ --get=model_delete --entity=core\\Group --id=48
DESCRIPTION Deletes the given object(s).
PATH core\data\model\search.php
URL ?get=model_search&entity=core\Group&domain=[name,=,Admin]
CLI $ ./ --get=model_search --entity=core\\Group --domain=[name,=,Admin]
DESCRIPTION Returns a list of identifiers of a given entity, according to given domain (filter), start offset, limit and order.


PATH core\data\model\read.php
URL ?get=model_read&entity=core\Group&fields=[created,description]&ids=[1,2]
CLI $ ./ --get=model_read --entity=core\\Group --fields=[created,description] --ids=[1,2]
DESCRIPTION Returns values map of the specified fields for object matching given class and identifier.


PATH core\data\model\collect.php
URL ?get=model_collect&entity=core\Group&fields=[created,description]&domain=[id,=,1]
CLI $ ./ --get=model_collect --entity=core\\Group --fields=[created,description] --domain=[id,=,1]
DESCRIPTION Returns a list of entities according to given domain (filter), start offset, limit and order.

Rights management utilities

To determine Groups and Users permissions, we use a list of rights : create, read, update, delete, manage

They are also defined inside the eq.lib.phpfile with a value attached :

 * Users & Groups permissions masks (value attached to the mask) 
 * #memo - we use powers of 2 for permission mask so that the addition of 
 numbers never leads to a colliding values
    define('EQ_R_CREATE',    1);
    define('EQ_R_READ',      2);
    define('EQ_R_WRITE',     4);
    define('EQ_R_DELETE',    8);
    define('EQ_R_MANAGE',   16);

Use :

Those values are used, for example, inside Permission.class.php on the rights field, to determine which rights from the list are selected.

'rights' => [
    'type'              => 'integer',
    'onupdate'          => 'onupdateRights',
    'description'       => "Rights binary mask (1: CREATE, 2: READ, 4: WRITE,
    8 DELETE, 16: MANAGE)"

Those permissions are used as properties by User.class.php & Group.class.php to determine the rights available.



PATH core\actions\user\grant.php
URL ?do=user_grant&right=create&
CLI $ ./ --do=user_grant --right=create --entity=core\\Task
DESCRIPTION Grant additional privilege to given user.

Only one right can be granted at a time to one user over one entity.


PATH core\actions\user\revoke.php
URL ?do=user_revoke&right=create&\Task
CLI $ ./ --do=user_revoke --right=create --entity=core\\Task
DESCRIPTION Revoke privilege from a given user.

Only one right can be revoked at a time to one user over one entity.



PATH core\actions\group\grant.php
URL ?do=group_grant&right=create&group=users&entity=core\Task
CLI $ ./ --do=group_grant --right=create --group=users --entity=core\\Task
DESCRIPTION Grant additional privilege to given group.

Only one right can be granted at a time to one group over one entity.


PATH core\actions\group\revoke.php
URL ?do=group_revoke&right=create&group=users&entity=core\Task
CLI $ ./ --do=group_revoke --right=create --group=users --entity=core\\Task
DESCRIPTION Revoke privilege from a given group.

Only one right can be revoked at a time to one group over one entity.


PATH core\actions\group\add-user.php
URL ?do=group_add-user&group=users&
CLI $ ./ --do=group_add-user --group=users
DESCRIPTION Add a user as member of a given group.