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Remote APIs


Example of remote-api :

$body = [
    'access_token'  => MAPBOX_KEY

// Send query to Mapbox geocoding API
$request = new HttpRequest('/geocoding/v5/mapbox.places/'.urlencode
($params['address']).'.json', ['Host' => '']);

$response = $request

/* expected response match a JSON array of geo+json Features 
( */

An other example :

use equal\http\HttpRequest;

 * HTTP native support
list($params, $providers) = eQual::announce([
    'description'   => 'Get picture data from using imgur API.',
    'params'        => [
        'id' => [
            'description'   => 'Hash of the image to retrieve',
            'type'          => 'string',
            'default'       => 'a5NE1kW'
    'response'      => [
        'content-type'  => 'application/json',
        'charset'       => 'utf-8'
    'providers'     => ['context']

$request = new HttpRequest("GET{$params['id']}");

$response = $request
            ->header('Authorization', "Client-ID 34030ab1f5ef12d")

    ->body(['result' => $response->body()])

Use cases of remote-API'S in eQual :

  • eQual is used to relay indirectly (use of a remote-API) informations to the User.

Example :

$request = new HttpRequest('/geocoding/v5/mapbox.places/'.urlencode
($params['address']).'.json', ['Host' => '']);

In this example, eQual sends 'address information' and expects to get 'gps informations' from an API.

  • eQual is used as proxy

Some API's expect identifiers, and to keep those secret, the API-call can be done in eQual.

  • eQual is used as an adapter

Example :

if an API-response is in XML, an eQual controller could transform(ex: to JSON)/read the file to the expected value, needed for the frontend.

Authentication to external social networks

The oauth controller attempts to authenticate a user from an external social network.

The controller expects two parameters :

'params'        =>  [
        'network_name'  =>  [
            'description'   => 'name of the social network to address 
            oauth request.',
            'type'          => 'string', 
            'required'      => true
        'network_token' =>  [
            'description'   => 'valid acess token for oauth.',
            'type'          => 'string',
            'required'      => true

And gives an access token as a response, that will be used to encrypt the messages sent to the server.

Those tokens have a limited life expectancy and must be renewed.