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CI/CD (standing for Continuous Integration & Continuous Development) is an Agile concept closely related to Test Driven Development (TDD).

The idea is to run set of tests whenever an update is made during development. By doing so we have a feedback loop as small as possible that allows to quickly identify potential issues.

A real-world situation would be, for example, using a GIT versioning platform with a CI pipeline service that automatically runs our test units in any needed environment, whenever we make a new commit.

We'll immediately see if something goes wrong, and easily locate where the problem comes from depending of the quality of our tests set.


Note: if you're looking for a guide that is not specific to eQual, please read getting started with docker

In this section we'll focus on the main role of docker: setting up a replicable environment for your project.

Below is a specific example to use eQual with Docker using an official php image.


Go ahead and install Docker

On windows it comes with Docker Compose, which aims to automate the deployment process.

In its simplest form, all you need to use Docker is a few command lines plus those 2 files in your project :

  • Dockerfile
  • docker-compose.yml

Directory usually looks like this :



Dockerfile is used to build an image with additional requirements.

The syntax :

FROM tells which image you're gonna use as starting point (it can be an existing image from Docker Hub, or homemade)

COPY tells what files of your project you want to bring inside the image, it can be specific config files aswell as the full project

WORKDIR changes your default location inside the directory

RUN tells what commands to run within the image; like additional requirements or rights management

For more informations about dockerfile syntax, read Best practices for writing Dockerfiles

Here is an example using eQual with a php-apache image :

FROM php:7.3-apache   
# official image taken from docker hub
COPY . /var/www/html    
# copy all the project into apache html folder (must be at project's root)

RUN docker-php-ext-install pdo_mysql mysqli \   
    # installing required mysql service
    && chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www \    
    # granting permissions in apache folder
    && cp /etc/apache2/mods-available/rewrite.load /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/   
    # apache config

WORKDIR /var/www/html   
# changing current location in directory

COPY .docker/vhost.conf /etc/apache2/sites-available/000-default.conf   
# custom apache vhost
COPY .docker/ /config/    
# changing DB host to "mysql"
COPY .docker/apache2.conf /etc/apache2/apache2.conf   
# apache config

To build an image out of this file, use the following command :

docker build --file .docker/Dockerfile -t todolist .


docker-compose.yml is used to deploy container(s) from one or multiple image(s).

For example, here is what we used to deploy an apache server along with its mysql service :

version: '3'
      context: .
      dockerfile: .docker/Dockerfile
    image: todolist     # using the image previously created with Dockerfile
    container_name: localhost
    restart: always
      - 80:80
      - /var/www/html
      - EQ_DB_NAME=equal
      - EQ_DB_HOST=localhost
      - EQ_DB_PORT=3306
      - HTTPS_METHOD=noredirect
      - VIRTUAL_PORT=80
      - VIRTUAL_HOST=localhost
      - mysql

    image: mysql:5.7    # using an official image for mySQL
    container_name: mysql
    restart: always
      - 3306:3306
      MYSQL_DATABASE: equal

To launch the associated Docker command :

docker-compose up -d

With this, you have what you need to develop and test your application using docker.

If you want to see the running containers :

docker ps

To access the bash CLI of a container :

docker exec -ti CONTAINER_ID /bin/bash

To run a bash script within a container (instead of opening it as CLI) :

docker exec -ti CONTAINER_ID /bin/bash /full/directory/path/

The following section will cover how that command can be used.

Automating the process & database init

Unfortunately if you want to setup a database once a container has been created, you still need to run a few commands manually. We'll work this around and use it as an opportunity to automate the whole process, from image creation to deployment.

What we'll do is create a .cmd script (for windows) that we'll launch from the root of the project, using a few of the commands listed above plus the ones needed for the DB setup of a project called "todolist".

docker build --file .docker/Dockerfile -t todolist .
docker-compose up -d
sleep 10
docker exec -ti localhost /bin/bash .docker/

You've already seen the 2 first lines, they refer to Dockerfile and docker-compose.yml.

Sleep 10 is important, granting time for the containers to establish a bridge before we connect the database.

Last line launches the following bash script within the container "localhost".

php run.php --do=init_db
php run.php --do=init_package --package=core

Note: if it returns a "wrong host" error, try to increase the sleep time to 20 or 30 sec. If it still doesn't work it means some config for apache is either missing or incorrect.

Travis CI

Travis CI is a testing environment offering many options and compatibilities.

Configuration example (in YAML) for a .travis.yml file, running basic tests for checking eQual installation integrity:

dist: xenial
language: php
  - '7.2'  

  - mysql

    - DB_NAME="equal"

  # install apache2
  - chmod +x .travis/*.sh
  - .travis/ 

  # check that mandatory directories are present and have correct access rights set
  - php run.php --do=test_fs-consistency
  # check ability to connect to the dbms service
  - php run.php --do=test_db-connectivity
  # create an empty database 
  - php run.php --do=init_db  
  # initialise database & demo data
  - php run.php --do=init_package --package=core
  # run test units
  - php run.php --do=test_package --package=core

BitBucket Pipelines

BitBucket has a built-in testing environment called Pipelines that relies on Docker.

They have an amazing tutorial to get started, as well as a very handful YAML validator.

Here is a minimal syntax example taken from their page about build artifacts :

image: php:7.2-fpm
    - step:
          - apt-get update && apt-get install -y default-mysql-client
          - docker-php-ext-install mysqli
          # check that mandatory directories are present and have correct access 
          # rights set
          - php run.php --do=test_fs-consistency
          # check ability to connect to the dbms service
          - php run.php --do=test_db-connectivity
          # create an empty database
          - php run.php --do=init_db
          # initialise database with demo data
          - php run.php --do=init_package --package=core
          # run test units
          - php run.php --do=test_package --package=core --logs=true
          - mysql
      image: mysql:5.7
        MYSQL_DATABASE: 'qinoa'
        MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD: 'test'


Configuration example (in YAML) for a .config.yml file, running basic tests for checking eQual installation integrity:

version: 2.1

# Define the jobs we want to run for this project
    - image: php:7.3-apache

    - image: mysql:5.7
        MYSQL_DATABASE: equal

    working_directory: ~/repo

      # install dependencies
      - run: apt-get update && apt-get -y install git      
      - run: docker-php-ext-install pdo pdo_mysql mysqli
      - run: docker-php-ext-enable mysqli

      - checkout:
          path: ~/repo

      # check that mandatory directories are present and have correct access 
      # rights set
      - run: php run.php --do=test_fs-consistency
      # check ability to connect to the dbms service
      - run: php run.php --do=test_db-connectivity
      # create an empty database 
      - run: php run.php --do=init_db  
      # initialise database with demo data
      - run: php run.php --do=init_package --package=core --import=true
      # run test units
      - run: php run.php --do=test_package --package=core     

# Orchestrate our job run sequence
      - build